Sunday, October 19, 2008


Pronounced: in-sə-ˈlü-brē-əs
Latin insalubris, from in- + salubris healthful
Definition: not conducive to health : unwholesome
Related word: insalubrity
"His manor insalubrious made me feel lugubrious. "

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Music Composition Assignment

It can be difficult to get started on writing music especially without an assignment. To help with this problem I am posting assignments I have found useful and hopefully coming up with a few assignments on my own. So instead of waiting for inspiration to strike, wrestle it down from the clouds by doing the following.
In the past, music has been used for a lot of different purposes and the songs resulting from each task have notable consistencies. Look at the list below and pick two things from the list and write a piece of music that represents the key features of that genera *for lack of a better word*. Try something new and shoot for about 3 minutes.

>Romance: to create erotic feelings
>Healing: to cure disease, relax stress
>Magic: to please or give thanks to a deity(I am including rain dances, black magick etc...)
>Epic: to convey the glory of a hero or event
>Lullaby: to sooth someone to sleep
>Mourning: To ease the pain of death or celebrate someones life
>Celebration: good harvest, social gathering,
>Dancing: Get your groove on

I will write up more categories as I think of them.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Jingoism is extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy. In practice, it is the use of threats or actual force against other countries in order to get what the country wants.

Monday, October 13, 2008


A palimpsest is a page that has been written on, scraped off, and used again. The word "palimpsest" comes through Greek and Latin, a two part word meaning ("again" + "I scrape"), which meant scraped (clean and used) again. It is has also been used to describe a layering of many messages with in one object or transmission. (eg. the book/movie Contact by Carl Sagan.)