Friday, January 23, 2009

Five Finger Composition Assignment

Today Arun asked us to make a composition for five fingers. He said the focus of the assignment was not to have the fingers play piano, or tap out a rhythm but rather for us to look at and try and organize five fingers in terms of movements, poses and behaviors aka compose them just as fingers. It can be a little hard to conceptualize but it is actually really fun. Just remember to focus on composing what the fingers are actually doing, not on composing what the result will be. For example don't compose a song of tapping sounds or shadow puppets or movements that will afterwords be placed in front of a guitar or on a piano to play a song.

Here's a video of my take on it. We only had the evening to work on it so don't expect socks to be blown off. I will be seeing about twenty-five other finger compositions tomorrow so maybe I can get a couple more up here to give some idea of what else could be done. If you are going to try it yourself you may not want to watch what I did first.