Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wooden N64 Controller Project

I have been working away at this little project for a couple of weeks and now I'm done:
A functioning N64 controller (sans RB and D-Pas and Start Button) made in arcade style and primarily of wood.
N64 controller from Goodwill $4
Wooden Dowels and Knobs from craft store $2
Small Wooden Box with Hinges $4Loose Wire
Soldering Iron 
Hot Glue Gun
Drill with a few different bit
Wire Cutters 
Several Hours but not days

I have a video of it in action but it is hard for me to get it up loaded and really it just looks exactly like you would imagine. 

*I like this second picture. It looks so 70's

1 comment:

BriKi said...

so '70s. My mind thinks I'm watching "Look Around You"